Name That Houston

Here is the next Houston baby to guess.  I thought I'd continue with this as I need to download pictures of the new baby.  Just got home from the hospital and am looking forward to posting pictures to introduce our little one to you all.


  1. Hmmm... I'm wondering.... this wouldn't happen to be Selah Joy, would it?? I wouldn't know for sure because we haven't seen her yet. (Or have we now?) Cute baby no matter who it is! Congratulations and welcome home! Hugs, Grace

  2. Hmmm...I want to be the first one to comment but I want to have a clear and an AWAKE mind when I guess ;) so...I will guess later but wanted to check for the new baby Selah's pictures :D


  3. Hehe... I think it's Selah!
    Jenny Savage

  4. Selah Sandee Ragsdale(not sure though because i have yet to see her

  5. Yay! Welcome hope and welcome new baby Houston! :)

  6. My final answer is Julia, which was my first thought


  7. Well....I will go out on a limb and say Daniel though it sounds like it is probably the new baby. Congratulations! I love the name!

  8. Yep, going with Selah.
    Aunt Michelle

  9. I'm wrong...It's absolutely SELAH!!


  10. Hm, well...if I'm allowed, I will change my answer to Selah. I know, maybe I should learn from my past mistake of second guessing myself but everyone else seems to be so sure it's her.


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