Happy Birthday, Nathanael!!

Twenty one days past the date I was "due" and as discouraged as I could possibly be, I went in to my doctor's appt. for a check up.  He asked me if I felt the contractions I was having.  I said I couldn't and that I didn't know I was having any at all.  My husband asked if we could just head on over to the hospital and be induced.  My doc called to see if there was availability and there was.  So, we headed over and got checked in.  I never ended up needing pitocin as the other options used worked.  During our wait, we were given a pass to leave the campus and go get dinner.  We went to T Paul's in Astoria, a place that a friend we went to school with owned.  She marveled at the fact we would come and have dinner in her diner while I was in labor!  When our hour was up, we went back to the hospital and Nathanael Craig Houston was born at 10:23 p.m.  My smallest boy, he weighed in at 8 pounds even and was 19 1/2 inches long!  He was cute as could be and had a head full of dark hair.  It was love at first sight!!!!!!  My heart was smitten!
Baby Nathanael

Nathanael has been a joy with his sweet spirit and mild temper these past twelve years.  His smile is infectious.  As a toddler, he loved to make people laugh.  If he did something that people laughed at, he'd do it again and again just to keep them going!

A couple years back
He is a sixth grader and in the boy scouts of America where he has earned the rank of tender foot.  He has many dreams and goals for his future.  He desires to be used however the Lord would lead.  He loves God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Nathanael getting his rank from his scout master, Shane Hilson
For his day he is making orange knots and having his sister make cinnamon rolls.  For lunch, he gets to choose a restaurant for his date with dad and mom.  Since his birthday is on Wednesday Bible study night, he has chosen to bring a special something for his class.  I am so thankful God has blessed us with this young man to nurture and train up in the ways of the Lord!

Twelve! And oh so handsome!!!
Happy 12th birthday, son!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Nathanael!!! ~ Mrs. Potvin

  2. Happy Birthday!!! You are such a blessing to our family!!! I pray the Lord will use you in a Great way.
    Love you soooooooo much!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Nathanael.

    It is always a blessing to see you, with your handsome beaming face and beautiful smile.

    With love from the Olsen Family

  4. Happy birthday Nathanael I Hope Your Day Great your friend Brady

  5. Happy Birthday Nathanael.


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